Solar panel cleaning is a must. Thus you will get a good return on your investment in solar panels. Day by day, people are showing more interest in green energy. That’s why solar panels are gradually becoming popular. However, people need to take more precautions in taking care of solar panels in the long run. They also notice when they don’t get the expected amount of electricity. After a long time of ignorance can end up damaging the panels ultimately. If you want to receive more electricity out of the sunlight, then you must have regular solar panel cleaning near South East Melbourne.

How Much Electricity Do Dirty Solar Panels Lose?

Well, there is no confusion that dirty solar panels lose solar power. Pollution, traffic dust, leaves and even bird droppings are the main reasons why a solar panel gets dirty in the first place. The contributing factors of a dirty board prevent sunlight from reaching the solar cells in your solar panels. Thus in a dirty panel, the cells become less efficient in producing equivalent electricity.

The more dirt deposits on the panel, the more cells become ineffective. You will get a lower amount of electricity produced by the boards. However, there are many factors affecting the efficiency of the panels. If you know how much electricity your solar panels will produce and you are not getting the same amount of electricity, then cleaning the dirty solar panels is the easiest way to fix the problem.

Experts agree that clean panels always convert more sunlight to electricity. A dirty solar panel can lose around 25% of electricity. And if you keep continuing not to clean the solar panels, then the energy loss can be as high as 30%.

Two Ways To Check Your Solar Panel Cleaning.

But how do you know if your solar panel is dirty or not? You can run an inspection service for solar panel maintenance in South East Melbourne. Here we have mentioned two ways of inspection. With the help of these methods, you can check to see if your panels need to be cleaned:

Physical Inspection of Solar Panel:

you can physically inspect the solar panels. Thus, you will know if any dust or debris is piled up on the panels. Inspecting the solar panels on a periodic basis will also allow you thorough maintenance. Each solar panel comes with a unique manual for maintenance. The manufacturers have already mentioned how frequently you should clean the panels. It also often depends on the location of your property. Your solar panels might require more frequent inspection if you live in a highly populated area.

Use a Monitoring Service:

A monitoring service is also another way to know whether your solar panel is working correctly. You can put your panels for monthly monitoring service. The system will monitor your solar panels’ efficiency from time to time. If there is any decrease in the rate, that means your solar panels’ cleaning schedule is due. Although there can be other technical faults of a not working properly panels.

However, dirt and dust are the most common issues behind a less efficient solar power system generator. The panel system is expected to produce a certain amount of electricity each month. A solar monitoring system can tell you if your system is offline. It also can state when it’s not performing as expected. Then it can run diagnostic programs.

Monitoring systems are usually an extra expense. However, it can inform you about some crucial information. How much you save money through your solar panels also becomes notified in that monitoring system. Whether as a monthly service or purchased up front, if you are a solar panel owner, then you need this service.

Maintaining solar panels in good health is extremely important to get the best result. However, the task takes work. For that, you require professional help in solar panel cleaning near South East Melbourne.

Urban Vac is an excellent name for managing and maintaining solar panels in residential and commercial properties. You must contact us if you are also facing less electricity production through your solar panel. We run a detailed inspection, and then we act accordingly. Please ring us to learn further about our service.

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