Solar panels do not come without their share of maintenance required for all their advantages over other methods of generating electricity. While exposed to outdoor dust and grime, it tends to accumulate a lot of dirt which needs cleaning from time to time. An unclean solar panel will not work as efficiently as it should and will trouble you from time to time. However, if you look into the right things at the right time, you might even know about them before any problem arises!

Technology behind Solar Panel Cleaning

Three main types of technology are used to clean solar panels: brushes, wafers and liquids.

  • Brushes: Solar panel cleaning brushes come in various shapes and sizes, but they all work to move dirt and debris off of the panel’s surface. Specialised brushes are available with experts for solar panel cleaning in South East Melbourne that can remove stubborn grime or build-up.
  • Wafers: Wafer-based technology uses a thin, flexible sheet of material to loosen and lift contaminants from the solar panel’s surface. This type of solar panel cleaning is often used with brushing to ensure a thorough cleaning.
  • Liquids: Solar panel cleaning liquids can be sprayed or applied directly to the panel’s surface. These cleaners work to dissolve dirt, grime and build-up so that it can be easily washed away. Some liquid cleaners also include anti-fogging or anti-static properties to help keep the panel’s surface clean and clear.

Where to Clean Your Solar Panels and How Often

The number one rule of solar panel cleaning is never to use harsh chemicals or abrasives. Experts for solar panel cleaning in South East Melbourne agree that harsh chemicals can damage the delicate surface of your solar panels and cause severe long-term damage. Likewise, abrasives can scratch your panels’ surface and so reduce their efficiency.

So, what should you use to clean your solar panels? The best thing to use is a soft cloth or brush and some distilled water. Gently wipe down each panel, being careful not to scrub too hard. For effective solar panel maintenance, you may need to do this once a month or so, depending on how dirty your panels get.

If you live in an area with a lot of dust or pollen, you may need to clean your panels more often. In general, it’s a good idea to give them a once-over at least once a month to remove any build-up of dirt and grime.

Solar panel cleaning near Melbourne is an integral part of maintaining your solar system and ensuring it continues operating at peak efficiency. Although you can clean your panels yourself, it’s often best to hire a professional to do the job for you. Following the dos and don’ts of solar panel cleaning can keep your system running smoothly and avoid any potential damage.

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