A solar panel installed correctly and maintained regularly runs for many years. Solar energy has become one of the largest power sources for households in recent history when the solar panel comes into popularity. Many Australian families own solar panels to reduce the energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

Solar panel usage is one of the most influential and significant ways to keep your electricity consumption within a limit. It also helps us to preserve the environment from pollution. With the rising popularity of solar panels in residential and commercial properties, the world is trying to find a solution for decreasing natural energy sources such as coal and petroleum.

But all these benefits can only be achieved through a top-quality and highly functional solar panel. Like any other component, solar panels also need maintenance services to perform with total efficiency. That’s why you should always have solar panel maintenance South East Melbourne if you also opt for solar energy.

The concerns regarding solar panel maintenance service:

You have purchased a solar panel and installed it on the rooftop. After that, you forget it. In that scenario, don’t expect to receive the same amount of solar energy after a few months of installation as you suppose to receive in the beginning. There are many factors that highly influence the performance efficiency of a solar panel.

Dust, dirt, and debris gradually pile on the solar panel surface. When it covers the outer shell, it stops receiving adequate sunlight to convert it into power. That’s how you might not receive enough electricity from solar energy.

That’s why you must maintain a regular schedule to keep the solar panel in good health. Solar panel cleaning is a more frequent task that you must perform in small intervals to keep the surface clean and ready to receive sunlight. When you follow regular maintenance, it ensures that the solar panel system operates efficiently, smoothly and safely.

But, apart from regular cleaning, you must keep checking the panel’s internal mechanism to know if it is safe to use. Otherwise, something might cause serious issues, and it can threaten your property’s safety as well as its residents.

Before starting the cleaning session, you must be confused about your solar panel system’s safety. Here, we have addressed four concerns that might have filled your mind. Learn the answers here and be assured about the maintenance service and its importance for maintaining a solar panel’s uncompromised service.

How often should you service your solar system?

The Australian Clean Energy Council has advised an annual maintenance schedule to keep the system safe and functioning correctly. Hence, you can call for solar panel maintenance service every year during a fixed time and have a thorough inspection of the entire solar panel. From wiring and any damage on the panel must be figured out here to take care of the issue immediately.

Although, having an annual maintenance service can be expensive sometimes. In that case, you can even call solar maintenance service every alternate year. However, it is only suitable for a solar panel system that has shown zero malfunctions during its run.

What happens during a solar panel services:

During solar panel service, the technicians run a full fledge inspection of the system. They will visually inspect the panel and then check whether the electrical components are fine or not.

During solar maintenance service, the service provider will remove debris and grime piled on the panel. But for a thorough solar panel cleaning near South East Melbourne you might have to pay a few bucks extra depending on the service provider, you have selected.

Should you be worried if you have a DC isolator?

There is no need to worry about if you have a DC isolator in your solar panel system. In Australia, most solar systems have a DC isolator switch. We understand that the DC isolator often starts a fire. But since the panel is installed on the rooftop, and excellent quality DC switches are available in the market, the risk of fire becomes nominal.

Australian DC switch standard asks for a metallic shroud to protect it from elements. Hence, if it is well installed, you can expect that the switch will last throughout the solar panel’s entire life.

How much does a solar panel service cost?

A solar panel service can range depending on its size and the quality of the service provider. If you have a solar panel installed on your commercial property, it will undoubtedly cost more to have maintenance services than residential services.

A qualified solar panel maintenance service provider will come and inspect the system. From physical damage to technical faults, they will thoroughly scrutinise the system. Most service providers generally quote a fixed amount. But many top-quality service providers are there to offer customized quotes especially for you.

If you are also experiencing lower efficiency in your solar panel, you should ask for a maintenance service. Experienced and qualified service providers are there to help you out. Maintaining the solar panel regularly is also the best way to take warranty leverage if any malfunction occurs. Most solar panel installation companies have strict regulations regarding proper maintenance to give warranty service. Make sure you must adhere to the clauses.

Call Urban Vac for solar panel maintenance South East Melbourne at an affordable rate. We have a highly qualified team and proper license to serve our consumers dedicatedly. Talk to us to know more.

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